KFD Foundation

Knowledge for development

KFD Foundation in Milan and Bari is an independent institution that aims to stimulate relationships and spread knowledge for the benefit of the social, economic and cultural development of the area.

The Foundation began its activity in 2004 in order to promote the positive values of our company through the development of relations between public and private entities, nationally and internationally.

The virtuous mechanism of the networking and learning, for KFD Foundation, are a fundamental aspect; it is a friendly and informal meeting place between institutions, businesses, the academic and financial world, and other public and private entities.

The Foundation intends to undertake initiatives that are not limited to the development of abstract theories, but prove capable of building concrete, innovative and ethical projects. It focuses its attention on the most current problems and challenges of the economy, culture and society, with particular attention to the business community.

The “KFD method” favors comparison and debate, favors interpersonal relationships allowing effective learning of the topics under discussion. The purpose of KFD is not to find unanimous or simply reassuring answers, but to highlight the complexity and look for the way to an opportunity or a possible solution.



The Foundation is recognized by the PUGLIA REGION by decree of the President and decision of the Department of Productive Activities and Economic Development.

KFD Fondazione a Milano e Bari è un’istituzione indipendente che ha come obiettivo quello di stimolare le relazioni e diffondere la conoscenza a vantaggio dello sviluppo sociale, economico e culturale del territorio.


La Fondazione inizia la sua attività nel 2004 al fine di promuovere i valori positivi della nostra società attraverso lo sviluppo delle relazioni fra soggetti pubblici e privati, a livello nazionale ed internazionale.

Il meccanismo virtuoso della rete (networking) e dell’apprendimento, per KFD Fondazione, sono un aspetto fondamentale; è un luogo di incontro amichevole e informale fra istituzioni, imprese, mondo accademico e finanziario, e altri soggetti pubblici e privati.

La Fondazione intende intraprendere iniziative che non si limitino all’elaborazione di teorie astratte, ma si dimostrino capaci di costruire progetti concreti, innovativi ed etici. Essa concentra la propria attenzione verso i problemi e le sfide più attuali dell’economia, della cultura e della società, con un’attenzione particolare alla business community.

Il “metodo KFD” privilegia il confronto ed il dibattito, favorisce le relazioni interpersonali consentendo un effettivo apprendimento dei temi in discussione. Lo scopo di KFD non è quello di trovare risposte unanimi o semplicemente rassicuranti, ma di evidenziare la complessità e ricercare la strada per un’opportunità o una possibile soluzione.

La Fondazione è riconosciuta dalla REGIONE PUGLIA con decreto del Presidente e decisione dell’Assessorato alle attività produttive e sviluppo economico.




KFD Foundation organizes training courses aimed at providing participants with specific economic and financial skills in the energy and environment sector and to spread the culture of Environmental, Social & Governance.


Periodically, the KFD Foundation organizes events throughout the country to spread the knowledge and culture of sustainable development, in compliance with the rules governing the ESG world.


Massimo La Scala

He is Full Professor of Electrical Systems for Energy at the Polytechnic of Bari. He has been a visiting professor at some US universities (Arizona State University and Washington State University) where he held a series of seminars and lectures.


The scientific activity of Prof. La Scala concerns the analysis and control of electrical systems and the restructuring of the electrical industry boasts over 140 scientific publications in the major journals in the sector. He has received one of the major international scientific awards in the energy engineering sector: the Fellowship of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers). He is President of the EESC Research Center for Public Services and Energy of the Polytechnic of Bari.


Mario di Napoli

He is Parliamentary Adviser at the Chamber of Deputies, Secretary of the Foreign and Community Affairs Commission. Former Secretary of the Italian Parliamentary Delegations to the Assemblies of NATO, the OSCE and the Partnership


Euro-Mediterranean (XIV legislature), he is adjunct professor of history and theory of parties at the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Vice-president of the International Commission for the History of Parliamentary and Representative Institutions (ICHRPI), he is also a member of the Steering Committee of the Italian Council for the European Movement.


Maurizio Angelone

He holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the “La Sapienza” University of Rome, and is CEO of the Canadian company MyScreenMobile Inc, listed on the Frankfurt and NewYork stock exchanges. He was CEO


of Nokia Italy and then Vice President of NoKia America directly leading the expansion of Nokia’s commercial activity in Latin America.



SMART-GRIDS: Advanced technologies for public services and energy

KFD Foundation collaborated in the drafting of the SMART-GRIDS project pursuant to the announcement published in the official bulletin of the Puglia Region n.107 of 25.08.2005. In this project, through the creation of an automation system based on the integration of different technologies such as SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition), GIS (Geographic Information System), web-based control and, in general, all available methodologies in the Distribution Automation area, it was intended to demonstrate, through the application on real distribution companies, how it was possible to locate and control processes, quantify phenomena, plan the exploitation of resources and schedule maintenance more effectively than technologies existing.

Solartys (Spain) and Apulian Regional District of Renewable Energy Agreement

KFD Foundation finalized the agreement with the event of 01 October 2010 during which Solartis (trade association of companies operating in the renewable energy sector), signed an agreement with the Apulian Regional District of Renewable Sources to establish a relationship of collaboration for the purposes of technological research in the sector.

Progressive integration of the electricity markets of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia

KFD Foundation collaborated with the French Sofreco S.A. for the preparation of the Action 12 Report of the MEDA PROGRAM of the European Union with the help of its own expert Dr. Roberto Francia. The MEDA program is aimed at implementing cooperation measures designed to help Mediterranean third countries to reform their economic and social structures and to mitigate the effects of economic development on a social and environmental level.

Italy Spain Workshop on Photovoltaics

KFD Foundation, the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX), the Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of Spain and the Association of Spanish Innovative Companies in the Photovoltaic Sector (Solartys), in collaboration with Cofides (Compañía Española de Financiación del Desarrollo) organized a seminar and bilateral meetings to promote the development of the photovoltaic sector in Puglia. The Energy Authority, the Apulian institutions, as well as various stakeholders in the sector were present. During the event, which was attended by over 80 companies, the various aspects of the sector were highlighted: institutional, financial, legislative, entrepreneurial, technical. It was an important opportunity to foster and promote institutional and business relations.


American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) and the KFD Foundation organized a seminar in the presence of the President of SIMEST (Italian Society for Foreign Companies), the Consul General of the United States of America, the representatives of the Apulian institutions and Confindustria Puglia to discuss trends and potential synergies between the US and Apulian markets. The event saw the participation of over 60 companies from Puglia and Basilicata.

MASTER Economics and Management of Cultural Tourism

KFD Foundation has collaborated with the Faculty of Economics of the University of Bari for the proposal in the educational offer of the Master in Economics and Management of Cultural Tourism. The Master was born from the need to train human resources capable of operating in the tourism-cultural sector and to respond to the needs of economic-managerial professionalism and specific techniques of the sector. The Master is the result of close cooperation between the University of Bari and the University of Malaga (Spain) and the Erasmus University of Rotterdam (Netherlands). These cooperations provide the Master with a broad international scope, guaranteeing direct feedback with particularly advanced academic and professional realities in the study of the cultural tourism sector. The innovative element of the course is the attempt to combine tourism and culture in a supranational perspective and in the context of a business logic inspired by the basic criteria of the economy in a system, such as the cultural one, which with great difficulty, and only recently with the new law on cultural heritage, it is approaching the philosophy of management. The Master’s aim is to provide those who work or intend to operate in the sector with precise skills related to economic analysis and planning techniques, management, marketing, economic and financial management, planning for access to EU funding.


Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium
doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo
inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.